Dr. Cindy Davis Evans, Evangelist, Author, Red Carpet Correspondent, is a Doctor of Divinity—a native Houstonian, who have shared God's love to countless people all over the world, from all walks of life, for over 30 years, via television, and other forms of Ministry. Dr. Cindy's aim is to provide a biblical road map for navigating through life successfully. Her mission is to affirm, that Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life, and that God's grace empowers exceptional living in every area of your life. Throughout her secular career as an entertainment reporter, she’s encountered legends, such as, George Lucas, actor, Vanessa L. Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Harry Bellafonté, & The Jacksons,’ just to name a few. Cindy was graciously awarded, The Black Essence award, and is named an honoree of the prestigious, “Faith Awards.” She has been featured in magazines and newspapers for her work in the community. Her debut book, Conversations with Jesus:” Experiencing the love of God through Jesus. Positioned the reader to be free from rejection and abandonment issues, by the grace of God. Her followup book— Entitled,"40 Days of Grace for the Single Woman: [A Devotional for the Single Woman's Soul] is a devotional for all Single women, including the divorced and widowed.